Tests & Treatments


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Oral Medications: What's That Mean?

Injection Medications: What's That Mean?

Topical Medications: What's That Mean?

Intravenous (I.V.): What's That Mean?

What to Do if Your Doctor Tells You to Take Warfarin

Foods to Avoid When Taking Warfarin

Medicines to Avoid When Taking Warfarin

Exercise, Sports & Warfarin

Does My Child Need an Antibiotic?


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Preparing Your Child for a Blood Test



INR Goal Range

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM)

White Coat Hypertension

Baseline: What's That Mean?

Lumbar: What's That Mean?

Vitals Defined: What's That Mean?

MRIs: What's That Mean?

Preparing Your Child for an MRI

Preparing Your Child for a CT Scan

Pulse Ox: What's That Mean?

Temperature: What's That Mean?

Pain Signals: What's That Mean?

Weight: What's That Mean?

Diagnosis: What's That Mean?

Electrodes: What's That Mean?

Stethoscope: What's That Mean?

EEG / Electroencephalography: What's That Mean?


Bone Marrow Biopsies

Bone Marrow Biopsy: What's That Mean?

Lumbar Puncture / LP / Spinal Tap: What's That Mean?

The Faces Pain Scale: What's That Mean?

The Numeric Pain Scale: What's That Mean?


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Leftover Medicine: What's That Mean?

Chest Tube: What's That Mean?

Chest Tube Drainage System: What's That Mean?

Chest Tubes

Postural Drainage: What's That Mean?

Butterfly Needle: What's That Mean?

Central Line: What's That Mean?

Hickman: What's That Mean?

IV: What's That Mean?

Nasogastric Tube / NG Tube: What's That Mean?

NG Tube Insertion

PICC: What's That Mean?

PICCs, Ports & Hickmans

Port: What's That Mean?

Distractions (from Pain): What's That Mean?

Water: Why It's So Important

Lumbar Punctures

Chest Physical Therapy

Chest Physical Therapy (CPT): What's That Mean?

Numbing Cream: What's That Mean?

Pedialyte: What's That Mean?

Taking Opioid Medicine Safely: What's That Mean?

Ambulance, Emergency Room or Urgent Care?